These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms”) set forth the terms of use of the Services. The Terms apply to all users of the Services (the “User(s)”).
By using the Services, the Users are deemed to have validly and irrevocably consented to the Terms. Any User who does not consent to the Terms may not use the Services.
If the User is a minor, the User must obtain a consent from his/her statutory agent prior to using the Services. Please be sure to obtain a consent from your statutory agent prior to using the smartphones and other devices necessary to use the Services. If the User has commenced use of the Services without a consent from his/her statutory agent and thereafter reaches age of majority, the User shall be deemed to have ratified its use of the Services while the User is a minor.
The app developer hereby grants to the User a license to use privately, within the scope of use of the Services, the text, image, video, sound, music, software, program, code or other content provided by the Services. In terms of the paid content, private use within the scope of use of the Services shall be licensed when the usage fees as prescribed by the app developer has been paid. These licenses are non-exclusive, non-transferable nor non-sublicensable licenses. Any use of the content provided by the Services beyond the scope of the Services is prohibited. The User agrees in advance that if the User loses the right to use the Services for any reason whatsoever, any and all contents of the Services may no longer be available.
The app developer may display on the Services the advertisements of the app developer or third parties.
When using the Services, the User shall not:
The User represents and warrants that he/she does not, and will not in the future, fall under any of the following:
The User warrants that it will not conduct or cause a third party to conduct any of the following acts:
The app developer may, without prior notice, restrict the User's use of any or all of the Services or cancel the registration of the User if the User falls under any of the following. The app developer shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User as a result of an act performed by the app developer in accordance with this Article.
The app developer may suspend or discontinue the provision of all or part of the Services without prior notice to the User if it considers that any of the following items exists. The app developer shall not be liable for any disadvantages or damages incurred by the User or a third party in such case.
THE COMPANY SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES INCURRED BY THE USERS IN CONNECTION WITH THE SERVICES; provided, however, that this disclaimer will not apply if the agreement between the app developer and the User regarding the Services (including the Terms) constitutes a consumer contract under Consumer Contract Act. Even if the agreement between the app developer and the User constitutes a consumer contract, the app developer shall not be liable for any damage arising out of special circumstances (including the cases where the app developer or the User have foreseen or could foresee the occurrence of such damage) incurred by the Users due to the app developer's negligence (excluding gross negligence). The app developer assumes no responsibility for any trouble that may arise between the User and any other User or a third party. The app developer shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User in connection with the Services in excess of usage fees paid by such User to the app developer during the month in which such damages occur.
The app developer may change the description of the Services or discontinue or terminate the provision of the Services without notice to the User. The Users shall agree in advance without objection that if the Services are terminated, the Users shall lose any and all rights to use the paid contents and may not utilize such paid contents thereafter. The app developer shall not be liable for any damage incurred by the User as a result thereof.
The app developer may amend the Terms at any time without notice to the User. The amended Terms shall become effective at the time of being posted on the app developer’s website. Any User who continues to use the Services after amendments to the Terms shall be deemed to have consented to the amended Terms.
Personal information of the User acquired through use of the Services shall be handled appropriately in accordance with the app developer's Privacy Policy.
Any notice or contact between the User and the app developer shall be made in the manner prescribed by the app developer. Unless the User submits notification of change in accordance with the method separately prescribed by the app developer, the app developer may consider the contact address currently registered to be valid and give notice to or contact such contact address. Such notice or contact shall be deemed to have arrived at the User at the time of transmission.
The User may not assign to or give as a security any third party the User’s status under the service agreement or the rights or obligations under the Terms, without prior written consent of the app developer.
If the app developer assigns its business pertaining to the Services to another company (including assignment of business, company split or any other cases where the app developer’s business will be transferred), it may assign, along with such assignment of business, its status under the service agreement, the rights and obligations under the Terms and the User's information to the assignee of such assignment of business. The Users shall be deemed to have consented to such assignment in advance.
The Terms apply to all relationships between the Users and the app developer in relation to use of the Services. The app developer may set forth rules for use of the Services in addition to the Terms. These rules, regardless of their names, form part of the Terms. In the event that the Terms are inconsistent with any of such rules, such rules shall prevail.
If any provision of the Terms or any part thereof is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such holding shall in no way affect the other parts of the Terms and the remaining provisions of the Terms shall remain valid and enforceable.
The Terms shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of Japan. Any dispute arising in connection with the Services shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the location of the app developer's head office.
Prescribed on 01, 26, 2023
ユーザーが未成年である場合には、法定代理人の同意を得た上で、本サービスを利用してください。本サービスのご利用にあたり必要となるスマートフォンその他デバイスについても、必ず法定代理人の同意を得た上でご使用下さい。 法定代理人の同意を得ずに本サービスのご利用を開始したユーザーが成年に達した場合、未成年者であった間の利用行為を追認したものとみなします。
ユーザーに対し、本サービスが提供する文章、画像、動画、音声、音楽、ソフトウェア、プログラム、コードその他のコンテンツについて、本サービスの利用範囲内における私的な利用を許諾します。有償コンテンツについては、本サービスが定める利用料金の支払が完了した場合に、本サービスの利用範囲内における私的な利用を許諾します。これは、譲渡及び再許諾できない、非独占的な利用権です。この範囲を超えて本サービスが提供するコンテンツを利用することは一切禁止します。 理由の如何を問わず、ユーザーが本サービスを利用する権利を失った場合、本サービスの一切のコンテンツの利用ができなくなることを、ユーザーは予め承諾するものとします。
本サービス提供者は、本サービスに関してユーザーに生じたあらゆる損害について一切の責任を負いません。ただし、本サービスに関する本サービス提供者とユーザーとの間の契約(本規約を含みます。)が消費者契約法に定める消費者契約となる場合、この免責規定は適用されません。 消費者契約に該当する場合であっても、本サービス提供者は、本サービス提供者の過失(重過失を除きます。)によってユーザーに生じた損害のうち特別の事情から生じた損害(本サービス提供者またはユーザーが損害発生につき予見し、または予見し得た場合を含みます。)について、一切の責任を負いません。ユーザーと他のユーザーまたは第三者との間において生じたトラブルについても一切責任を負いません。 本サービス提供者は、本サービスに関してユーザーが被った損害につき、当該損害が発生した月内にユーザーが本サービス提供者に支払った利用料金を超えて賠償する責任を負わないものとします。
本規約は、ユーザーと本サービス提供者との間の本サービスの利用に関わる一切の関係に適用されるものとします。 本サービス提供者は本サービスに関し、本規約のほか、ご利用にあたってのルールを定めることがあります。これらのルールは、その名称のいかんに関わらず、本規約の一部を構成するものとします。本規約がこれらのルールと矛盾する場合には、これらのルールが優先して適用されるものとします。
本規約の解釈にあたっては、日本法を準拠法とします。 本サービスに関して紛争が生じた場合には、本サービス提供者の本店所在地を管轄する地方裁判所を専属的合意管轄とします。
2023年01月26日 制定